DAO Multisig

As of November 27, following the successful AIP-2 Vote, Alien Base has a DAO Multisig wallet located at https://basescan.org/address/0x4ab9070b7680f802cbf8322e597a4409902171e5.

The DAO wallet receives 15% of all ALB emissions, which serve to bootstrap the Alien Base treasury. The treasury emissions minted so far have been transferred from their temporary holding address: https://basescan.org/tx/0xf09c68cb4f1fe21041e1e0059facdb5aa08af9eb3e5fe9e4d8dcabdc464dad3f

The Multisig currently uses a 4/6 signer threshold with three team members and three prominent ALB community members and holders:

  • 0xAw — Alien Base Lead Dev, based in Europe, long-time crypto developer, marketer and DeFi user.

  • Alien Steve — Alien Base Marketing Lead, based in Europe, with a rich experience in marketing and BD roles at Web2 and Web3 startups.

  • Xenomorph — Alien Base Product Lead, based in Europe, bringing world class attention to detail from previous product management and growth roles.

  • Baron Manfred Von REKT-Often — A crypto play on the famous WWI German Flying Ace credited with 80 confirmed kills, Manfred von Richthofen. The crypto version has been around since 2017 and has become a DeFi enthusiast. A moderator of a few projects, including Alien Base. Extremely optimistic about $ALB's future!

  • GotMyGat — "I'm a finance and accounting expert (CPA) out from Canada. My experience ranges from small, mid to large accounting firms, all the way up to corporates. I've been involved in DeFi since 2015 and as a result I believe my experience is valuable. I am well aware of OPSEC guidelines when it comes to operating within a DAO. My experience as an information systems auditor helps me understand operational security when it comes to multi-sigs. I am glad to be working alongside the team by being present in this opportunity."

  • LuckyLuke03 — "I'm a lawyer from CA who's been in crypto for three years. Before getting into ALB, I ran a Rocketpool node and participated in some LST DAOs."

Last updated


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